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Funding your Startup in Iowa Series: State Programs and Venture Capital

Join us for a free lunch-and-learn informational panel event at Maple Studios on Wednesday, April 2 to learn about funding your startup business in Iowa.

This event kicks off a series of startup funding panels, each featuring different investor groups and startup sectors exploring diverse funding opportunities in Iowa.

The panel is made up of leaders from the organizations who distribute the funds to entrepreneurs in Iowa through State-based programs and those who lead venture funds that invest in Iowa companies.

The programs and funds include:



  • 11:30 am - 12 pm: arrive, networking, get lunch

  • 12 - 1 pm: panel and questions

  • Parking is free on-site, across the street, street parking

  • Registration is requested to have accurate numbers for lunch; limited space

Who should come?

  • Small Business owners

  • Entrepreneurs

  • Lenders

  • Economic Developers

  • Venture Capitalists

  • Startup supporters

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