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Did you know that Iowa has a $96 million investment from the Department of Treasury to support Iowa's small businesses, including startups, manufacturers, and businesses owned by veterans and individuals from diverse backgrounds?
Join us for a free lunch-and-learn informational panel event at Maple Studios on Tuesday, January 30th to learn about the State Small Business Credit Initiative (SSBCI) programs. The panel is made up of leaders from the organizations who distribute the funds to entrepreneurs.
The four programs include:
Small Business Collateral Support Program
Anna Lensing, Innovation Project Manager, Iowa Economic Development Authority
Kaylee Williams, Fund Investment Director, InnoVenture Iowa
Audra Fisher, Manager of Customer Relations, America’s SBDC Iowa
Adrienne Greenwald, Managing Principal, VentureNet Iowa
Tricia Rivas, Coordinator of Customer Relations, America’s SBDC Iowa
Who should come?
Small Business owners
Economic Developers
Venture Capitalists
Startup supporters
11:30 am - 12 pm: arrive, networking, get lunch
12 - 1 pm: panel and questions
Parking is free on-site, across the street
Registration is requested to have accurate numbers for lunch
The State Small Business Credit Initiative (SSBCI) is a $96 million investment in growing Iowa's small businesses, including startups, manufacturers, and businesses owned by veterans and individuals from diverse backgrounds.
The funding is available through the U.S. Treasury Department's SSBCI, a small business aid program that was expanded through the federal American Rescue Plan Act. The Treasury Department approved Iowa's amount based on a plan submitted by IEDA.
Iowa's SSBCI dollars focus on encouraging venture capital and investment in scalable innovation companies through the programs below.